We had some backups fail due to disk space issues. Once we cleared the space, we needed to run the backups as I didn’t want to wait an entire day. I didn’t want to run them at once due to contention issues and I am way too lazy to manually start each one and wait for it to finish.
Powershell to the rescue.
The SQL provider is slick, gives you a sql server psdrive that you can explore. Finding the jobs was easy enough. Finding failed jobs was easy enough. Running the jobs… wtf? Not hard, but seems like I should be able to just start a job rather than send it as a sql command. I hardly need the sql snapin for that.
Anyway, update SERVERNAME (and potentially instance) in the code below and it will find all your failed jobs and run them serially.
$jobs = dir | where {$_.lastrunoutcome -eq "failed" }
foreach ($job in $jobs) {
"starting $($job.name)"
invoke-sqlcmd -database msdb "sp_start_job '$($job.name)'"
while ((invoke-sqlcmd -database msdb "sp_help_jobactivity @job_id = NULL, @job_name = '$($job.name)'").run_status -ne 1) {
"still running..."
sleep 120
"Completed at $(date)"