So, I used this some forever ago to move song ratings from iTunes to Windows Media Player with a powershell function. Now I wanted to export the ratings to a file so I have that list outside of wmp. Annoyingly, i didn't see a way to export the song list, saving the playlist just saved the search terms. Meh, powershell to the rescue, yet again...
This function will export the name of all files w/ ‘-starcount’ stars. Could be trivially modified to export other details.
This function will export the name of all files w/ ‘-starcount’ stars. Could be trivially modified to export other details.
function get-playlistbyStars {
param ($starcount = $(throw "need -starcount")
#get WMP
$wmp = New-object -COM WMPlayer.OCX
$WMPLibrary= $wmp.mediaCollection
#set vars
$rated = 0
$processed = 0
$added = 0
$unrated = 0
$1star = 0
$2star = 0
$3star = 0
$4star = 0
$5star = 0
$defstar = 0
$ctr = 0
$allsongs = $WMPLibrary.getall()
$colOut = @()
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $allsongs.count; $i++) {
$song = $allsongs.Item($i)
if (@(".jpg",".png") -notcontains ([System.IO.FileInfo]$song.sourceURL).Extension ) {
switch ($song.getiteminfo("UserRating")) {
"0" {
if ($starcount -eq 0) {
$colOut += $song.sourceURL
"1" {
if ($starcount -eq 1) {
$colOut += $song.sourceURL
"25" {
if ($starcount -eq 2) {
$colOut += $song.sourceURL
"50" {
if ($starcount -eq 3) {
$colOut += $song.sourceURL
"75" {
if ($starcount -eq 4) {
$colOut += $song.sourceURL
"99" {
if ($starcount -eq 5) {
$colOut += $song.sourceURL
default {
#so I have something to query for random nums
if ($starcount -eq 42) {
$colOut += $song.sourceURL
#so I have something to watch
if ($ctr%500 -eq 0) { Write-verbose $ctr}
#output results
Write-verbose "Processed: $processed"
Write-verbose "Rated: $rated"
Write-verbose "Added: $added"
Write-verbose "1: $1star "
Write-verbose "2: $2star "
Write-verbose "3: $3star"
Write-verbose "4: $4star "
Write-verbose "5: $5star"
Write-verbose "def: $defstar"
get-playlistbyStars 3 | out-file –filepath .\3starsongs.txt