I needed to import some ‘support’ time that was being tracked from outside of project server. We had reports that combined the two but that seemed messy. I don’t really program though so I needed to work it out in powershell. I believe I have all the major functionality done. Still to be determined are all the issues around data overwrites, timing etc but here is a short walkthough of connecting to Project Server 2007 PSI with powershell, querying users, querying timesheets, updating a line on a timesheet and queuing an update.
Lots of help from the SDK
I also referenced some of the chrisfie, code from codeplex. It was in c# but it gave some good direction.
Still very rough, maybe I will post more as I polish it out. As I spent a good part of my day today on this, hopefully it will help somebody else.
On to the powershell:
#set up some env variables. this is largely to find wsdl and csc, maybe other libraries, i stole it from the web.
$env:VSINSTALLDIR="$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0"
$env:VCINSTALLDIR="$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio $obj\VC"
$env:FrameworkDir=$(split-path $FrameworkPath -Parent)
$env:FrameworkVersion=$(split-path $FrameworkPath -Leaf)
$env:PATH="$env:VSINSTALLDIR\Common7\IDE;$env:VCINSTALLDIR\BIN;$env:VSINSTALLDIR\Common7\Tools;$env:VSINSTALLDIR\Common7\Tools\bin;$env:VCINSTALLDIR\PlatformSDK\bin;$env:FrameworkSDKDir\bin;$env:FrameworkDir\$env:FrameworkVersion;$env:VCINSTALLDIR\VCPackages;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\bin;$env:PATH"
#I tried to start w/ the connect-webservice from the orielly cookbook but it was giving me errors and this just worked.
# connect to the Proj Serv Interface (PSI) and create a timesheet object to manipulate timesheets
wsdl.exe http://<SNIP>/pwa/_vti_bin/psi/timesheet.asmx?WSDL
csc /t:library TimeSheet.cs
$objTS = New-Object TimeSheet
$objTS.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
# connect to the Proj Serv Interface (PSI) and create a resource object to manipulate resources
wsdl.exe http://<SNIP>/pwa/_vti_bin/psi/resource.asmx?WSDL
csc /t:library Resource.cs
$objRes = New-Object Resource
$objRes.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
#we will need a date mathable datetime for calc in a bit so setup a date
$today = date
#get a list of all active users
$lstRes = $objRes.ReadUserList("Active")
#you could loop through the resource list but I will set it to just me for troubleshooting.
# the full list of users can obtained with: $lstRes = $objRes.ReadUserList("Active")
#method def:
#public TimesheetListDataSet ReadTimesheetList (Guid resUID,DateTime startDate,DateTime finishDate,int select))
# the “int select” is from this table, values are added together if you need multiples.
# Acceptable Value=4. Select timesheets with Acceptable status.
# AllExisting Value=31. Select all timesheets.
# AllPeriods Value=32. Select all timesheets plus an empty record for each period with no timesheet.
# Approved Value=8. Select timesheets with Approved status.
# CreatedByMe Value=64. Select timesheets you created.
# InProgress Value=1. Select timesheets with InProgress status.
# Rejected Value=16. Select timesheets with Rejected status.
# Submitted Value=2. Select timesheets with Submitted status.
$lstTS = $objTS.ReadTimesheetList($objRes.GetCurrentUserUid(), $today.addDays(-50), $today, 31)
#we now have all the timesheets in our date range.
#you can get a specific timesheet
$ts = $objTS.ReadTimeSheet($lstTS.Timesheets.Item(2).TS_UID)
#there are two main items here. Lines are the rows you see in your timesheet view. actuals are the items in the columns
#check your lines with
#get a specific line. NOTE: Do Not use $line variable here. That is a PS variable and it will be reset every time you hit tab.
$tsLine = $ts.Lines.Item(2)
#you will use this in a bit to get your line UID. this is what you attach your actual to.
#now check your actuals
#create a new actual to attach
$myActual = $ts.Actuals.NewActualsRow()
#note I am working on GMT and my server is on EST so it is likely the reason why the times are 5 hours off, i didn't bother to check into it too much
$myActual.TS_ACT_START_DATE = [datetime]"4/7/2009 5:00:00 AM"
$myActual.TS_ACT_FINISH_DATE = [datetime]"4/8/2009 4:59:59 AM"
$myActual.TS_ACT_VALUE = 90000 # this looks like a lot of time but for some reason PS stores data as 1000 units/min so 90,000 = 1.5 hours.
$myActual.TS_LINE_UID = $tsLine.TS_LINE_UID
#add my actual to the actuals list
#add my ts to the update queue
$objTS.QueueUpdateTimesheet([Guid]::NewGuid(), $ts.Headers.Item(0).TS_UID, $ts)
#check your timesheet, man, it's updated.
Web Timesheet service help you become more efficient and optimize your pricing, it also helps you to make sure that you maintain your projects within possible project restraints.